Semi-trucks are durable vehicles, but they aren’t invincible. You will want to work hard to maintain your rig and ensure that all its parts are in good working condition. However, even the most well-maintained components in your truck may sometimes need replacement to make your journey safer and more efficient. Our guide highlights the semi-truck parts you might need to change out more frequently than others—so keep reading to learn more.


Over time and with regular use, your truck’s tires can wear out faster than other vehicles. Tires endure a lot of strain due to the weight of the cargo in your rig and road conditions. Poor maintenance, like not adjusting the air pressure to your manufacturer’s recommendations and not fixing a break or crack, can damage them, jeopardizing your safety and the safety of others on the road.

To ensure your safety, never drive your rig on bad tires and replace any worn-out tires as soon as possible.

Brake Pads

Your semi-truck’s braking system goes a long way in keeping you safe on the road. Make sure you test it at the start of each day and pay attention to the condition of your brake pads.

It’s good to replace brake pads every three to five years. However, depending on how frequently you drive your truck, you might need to change them earlier. If you want to add life to your brake pads, carefully drive your rig and avoid slamming the brakes to make fast and frequent stops.


Another semi-truck component that tends to wear down faster is the clutch. A defective clutch can mar your driving experience and weaken other components around it. If you don’t notice your clutch going out, you might need to repair and replace several parts of your truck instead of one.

Typically, semi-truck clutches last for about 200,000 miles, but they can wear down faster depending on how well the driver handles them. You will want to service your clutch regularly and replace it if you notice anything unusual.


If you need to drive your semi-truck at night, ensure that your lights, especially the headlights, are bright and functional. They enhance your visibility on the road and make you visible to other motorists.

Any flickering or dimming of lights can likely be due to a faulty electrical system. However, if your electrical system is functional, but the lights still appear to be dim or unsteady, you will want to replace the lightbulbs before you begin your journey.


Your semi-truck’s mirrors help keep you safe on the road. You will want to clean them regularly to enjoy the sharpest view.

Dirt and debris, like rocks and gravel, can scratch and crack your mirrors and render them useless. Before starting your vehicle, inspect your mirrors to see if they are usable. If you notice they are damaged, you will want to replace them before departing.

If you find that any of these parts are not functioning as they should, you will want to replace them immediately. If you need more information on any essential components of your heavy-duty truck, contact our experts at Carolina International Truck. We have multiple dealerships throughout South Carolina, and we proudly serve Columbia—so reach out today.