Carolina International Trucks, Columbia, South Carolina

Every year, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and other agencies and organizations collaborate during a marathon inspection period across the country and beyond. The effort is part of a global initiative called International Roadcheck.

According to the Commercial Carrier Journal, this year’s event is scheduled for June 6, 7 and 8. During that three-day period, inspectors will intensify their efforts to “conduct compliance, enforcement and educational initiatives” on commercial vehicles.

During the 2016 event, an estimated 15 buses and trucks were inspected every minute in North America alone. There were a total of 62,796 inspections conducted during the 2016 event. At least 60,000 inspections have been conducted during every Roadcheck event since 2005. Last year’s Roadcheck focused on the 37-step Level I inspections and tire safety. More than 40,000 Level I inspections occurred during the three-day event in 2016.

In 2016, Roadcheck inspections led to one in five trucks being taken out of service. Also, 1,436 drivers were pulled from the road. Failed brake inspections and hours-of-service violations topped the list of problems revealed by the inspection spree.

According to a graph of Roadcheck inspections and out-of-service (OOS) rates dating to 1981, the number of drivers with OSS violations has declined to a low of 3.4 percent in 2016.

The CVSA helps truckers and fleets prepare for the three-day event by noting the things the inspectors are particularly looking for.

Carolina International Trucks is South Carolina's leading truck dealership, offering sales and service at six strategically placed facilities. Our technicians, 70 service bays and $6 million parts inventory combine to cut your downtime. For prompt assistance, please contact us today.