Carolina International

At Carolina International, lip service doesn’t exist. We speak honestly from the get go and strive to provide our customers with both excellent service and brand news they can use. As such, we feel compelled to talk about the latest round of semi-truck recalls because it involves one of our favorite brands, International. Word of the large recall officially hit the semi-truck industry’s trades at the end of March 2017.

Staying Ahead of Other Semi-Truck Drivers

Because the news was released so close to the weekend, we’re sure that many of our valued customers inadvertently missed the announcement. Accordingly, we wanted to mention it here well before Navistar’s official letter ends up in semi-truck industry members’ mailboxes. By all media accounts, that’s not likely to happen until sometime mid May 2017. By then, countless drivers could be caught unaware, hence our reason for mentioning it today.

Hometown Options for Impacted Drivers

Our Carolina International Team has information International Truck owners will need in order to move forward with restoring their vehicles’ safety standards. Remember, we have trained technicians on our Carolina Service Express Team that offer drive-in, express and advanced repairs on site. So for them, replacing air brakes or dryer mounting brackets is a very simple matter.

Manufacturer Offers “Heads Up” Service Notices Too

In addition, our Carolina Express Service Team can talk about International’s ONCOMMAND™ REPAIR ADVCATE Service. The service is available to Carolina International customers and it has a history of helping semi-truck owners deal with recalls such as the one announced in March 2017. For instance, owners who have the system installed in their semi-trucks will likely learn of recalls in real-time. Consequently, they will be able to address problems before those semi-truck drivers who’ve opted out of the service.

Also, as we’ve already hinted, they may choose to use our firm’s team for routine maintenance tasks as well. Examples include quick lubes, oil analysis, diesel particulate filter service, body work and alignments. To learn more and keep those occasional recalls from slowing everyone down, please contact Carolina International today.